What is cosmetic acupuncture?

Cosmetic Acupuncture also known as Facial Acupuncture or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is becoming very popular as a natural anti-aging procedure. Chinese Medical Cosmetology (Mei Rong translated as beauty) has a well-documented and revered history dating back to the Qin (221-206 BC) Dynasty. Chinese medical physicians were employed to perform acupuncture and herbal medicine on Empresses and Emperors' concubines to enhance natural radiance, delay signs of aging, and maintain a youthful and lustrous appearance.

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How does it work?

Cosmetic acupuncture involves gently inserting tiny, hair-thin acupuncture needles into the face and other body points to helps stimulate collagen and elastin production allowing the skin to be nourished, oxygenated and moisturized from the inside out.

More than skin deep

The benefit of cosmetic acupuncture goes beyond healthy younger looking skin.  It also addresses the disharmonies in the body thereby improving overall health.  In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) we observe and treat the body, mind, and emotions as a whole.  If there is an imbalance in one system, it affects all the others. Along with the facial acupuncture points we treat the internal systems with body points.

Benefits of cosmetic acupuncture

  • reduction in fine lines

  • improved complexion

  • improved elasticity via the collagen and elastin matrix

  • softening of deep lines

  • improvement in acne, rosacea, and broken capillaries

  • softer, smoother and more vibrant skin

  • more consistent skin tone

  • reduction in puffiness  


Treatment includes facial acupuncture along with body acupuncture, led light therapy, facial gua sha or facial cupping at the end of the treatment and herbal consult.

First visit is 75-90 minutes: $250

Follow ups 60 minutes: $180

Recommended once a week for 10 weeks, then once a month maintenance.